LaCambre Sicav

We are a private equity investment platform, under the form of an umbrella Sicav RAIF.
Our fund is dedicated to managers-entrepeneurs looking to transform their industries & meet new extraordinary business performances.
We are currently active only in the IoT sector through a dedicated compartment aiming to consolidate various technologiy owners under unique sectorial champion with a full liner approach delivering end-to-end services to infrastructural network managers.
Working Together
To Empower Your Vision
TogetherBuilding together competitive advantageInnovating to fulfill real customers’ needsExponential, sustainable value creationGood managers make the differenceUsing fundamental customers insightNothing happen straight. Curves are also success
Business Focus
Strong of our legal & financial background, as well as our experience in the sector of engineering & digitalization, we have teamed up to create a first fund compartment aimed at consolidating a few SMEs with the purpose to build up a solution provider serving large infrastructurals networks managers, in providing them end-to-end solutions enabling the dogitalization of their networks.
Marco & Claudio.